Friday 21 January 2011

The Engagement

The day when we got engaged was one of the most emotional and romantic days of my life!

James booked a table at a lovely restaurant (to celebrate my birthday he said) where I took him years ago before we moved to Sweden. It is an amazing restaurant in the old town of Eskilstuna with a romantic atmosphere.

We met up after work and went for a drink in a nearby hotel bar. Then we walked arm in arm over to the restaurant. James had his hands in his pockets which made him look really funny. “You look like a penguin” I laughed and took a picture.

Later I would realise that he had the box with the ring in it in his inner pocket and he was worried I would feel it through his jacket!!

We went to the restaurant and got a cosy corner table.

 The food was great, and afterwards I had some dessert whilst James had a coffee and a whiskey (to calm his nerves!). All of a sudden in the middle of my chocolate cake he gets down on one knee and presents the most beautiful ring! All glittery with lots of diamonds (I love glittery stuff!!).
I was so chocked it felt like the room tilted! I said YES!! Without a doubt in my mind! I have known since the very beginning when we started going out 5.5 years ago that he was the man I would one day marry!

I could not stop smiling! I was so overwhelmed! It was an amazing, amazing feeling! We decided straight away to get married this summer, in 6 months time! We are not ones for waiting around, we are both quite impatient and like things to happen quickly!

Afterwards we went back to the hotel bar to have some champagne, and my parents were there!! James had arranged for them to meet us there as a surprise. It turned out James had gone to see my dad and ask him for my hand in marriage! That’s just the most romantic thing ever! My dad’s answer had been “It would be my honour”. Bless!! My mum didn’t know anything though (though she might have guessed), and she was so excited for us!

We had champagne and started planning the wedding!! When we left all the big details were set.

The whole night was absolutely perfect. I could not have asked for a better proposal. It was just as romantic and thoughtful as I could ever have hoped for. I now can’t wait to marry James this summer!

1 comment:

  1. Åhhhh.......jag får rysningar!!
    Call me old fashion men jag föredrar det 'Engelska' sättet att förlova sig på, där det är en överraskning och där förlovning faktiskt innebär att man ska gifta sig :)
