Wednesday 19 January 2011

Good bye Ring

Today we took my ring back to get it changed as it is a little bit too big. It turns out that the 30 day open buy had expired by a few days, and they will not change it!
The only option the gave us was to alter it but we'd have to pay for that. And because there are diamonds around the ring it might not even be possible. We got annoyed, if you pay that much for a ring you do expect a bit of customer service. In the end though she agreed to check if she could get us another size, but there was only one left in Sweden! She will let us know so fingers crossed. Gosh what a mess. We are also having it engraved, so I left the ring with her and wont see it now for 3 weeks. My finger felt naked so we went into an accessories shop and got me a nice ring with some fake bling!


  1. Men gud så irriterande. Ja, när man investerar i något så fint borde man ju kunna få bättre service...jag menar, det är ju inte ovanligt att det blir fel storlek om fästmannen tar chansen och vågar köpa ringen innan han friar!

  2. Jag vet, men vi stod på oss vilket är ovanligt för mig, men come on! Lite får man ju ställa upp som leverantör. Iaf så ringde de tillbaka idag och sa att de ska byta ut den åt oss, yey!
