Monday 31 January 2011


I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I have gone from feeling really strong physically to feeling like a wreck! My body is aching, my legs feel heavy and my BPM goes through the roof when I try to exercise. Or is it normal to have a pulse of 172 BPM after warm-up?

Took Corvette to a riding house yesterday and we where out for a good hour and a half. Then I went home and we worked in the kitchen. I thought I had muscles but apparently I found some new ones yesterday that are really stiff today.

Trying to run on my lunch break was torture! I got halfway and then it was like hitting a wall. Every step was a pain and I finished the run very slowly, huffing, puffing and muttering about hating it. I felt sorry for Magnus who was running with me, I just could not keep up.

I don’t know, maybe I have overdone it.

Right now I just want a break, I want to curl up into a little ball and sleep for two days!

1 comment:

  1. Ja vila ett tag så känner du dig säkert i form igen snart! Gud vilken fin häst föresten....
