Saturday 26 February 2011

Mission failed

On Saturday we went in to Västerås to try on my shoes with the dress. I picked Alina up and we met up with Elina and Emmi.
We went for lunch.

Elina & Emmi

Then we went to the dress shop, and it was closed!!!! We were an hour late!

But we decided to ignore that, pretend like it never happened. It was just too annoying.

Instead we went shopping. We played the Monki game, where you go into the shop Monki and everyone has to buy something. 
Since I couldn't try on my dress with my shoes I instead tried them on with a black cat suit. Didn't buy it though, don't really see that I would use it much.

I found a horse t-shirt instead.

We have decided to try again on Monday. This time I will call before and make sure they are actually opened.

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