Friday 11 February 2011

Weekend plans

Loads of plans for the weekend as always. Time is rushing by and I don't know how we are going to fit everything in.
On top of that I am SO TIRED. That one day burst of energy is now long gone, it's grey and snowing outside and winter seems never-ending. It tires you out.
But hey, as quickly as time is going spring will be here before we know it, and we have so much to look forward to!! It will be the most exciting spring and summer ever! That’s probably why I can’t wait!

Tomorrow me and James are going horse riding again. I love it when he comes with me, he is so good around the horses and he has a good seat and a light hand. He is also completely fearless which always help when you are learning something new.

Then I am going to go and see Alina. We have decided to do a run in May, and she wants to start training for it. She is a bit nervous as she has not been running in ages but we will take it at her pace.

I run 3 times a week on my lunch break, about 7 kilometres. I have been doing that for nearly three years now and I love it! I have been doing the Vårruset run for the past three years so this will be my fourth.
After that we are finishing the invitations, finally. We keep running out of glue, paper, ribbon etc so it has taken a while to make them. I don’t know how many hours we have put in all in all!

On Sunday I am riding again, going to the riding house which normally takes a few hours as it is quite a trek to get there. Maybe I will do some jumping which Corvette loves (and me too!).

Then we are going to the Christening of our friends’ son Jacob. We have not seen them for a while as we have all been so busy, so it will be lovely to see him again.

So loads of things planned but fun things! And today it's Friday, yey!

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