Monday 14 March 2011


Miramis and Corvette in the background

This weekend I have mainly spent in the stables.
Saturday: Linda asked me if I wanted to ride as she didn't have the time. James was working in the kitchen and I didn't have anything planned so I went and got Corvette from their now very icy field. After having brushed her for ages, they are loosing their winter fur now so it takes ages, I realised that she had a loose shoe. So I couldn't ride her.
Instead I got to borrow Miramis as I was already out there and didn't have anything to do. So I took him out, rode off with the hopes of good road conditions. Unfortunatlely I didn't get that, the whole way we got either sheer ice, or really deep snow. I can't wait for it to melt a bit more so you can start riding properly.



Sunday: As Anna who owns the stable was away for the week we have taken turns to look after the horses. There are only 5 horses in the stable, so it's not really hard work.
I got there for just before 8 am on Sunday morning, gave the horses their breakfast and then let them out. Because I couldn't ride Corvette I just stayed in the stable. It was horrible outside, cold, grey and snowing, so I stayed in and cleaned Corvette's gear. It's so relaxing being in a stable, sometimes it's nice not riding and just spending time with the horses.

Stable cats


  1. Men halla, skulle det inte vara var nu?

  2. Det är ju vår, ser du inte att man börjar skymta lite barmark ute på gärdena? ;)
    Men det går fort nu, smälter bort mer för varje dag, och solen värmer!
