Friday 18 March 2011

Meeting someone for the first time

Tonight we are seeing Sofia and Reuben. I know so much about them through reading Sofia's blog and emailing it feels like I know her. But fact is, we don't know each other, and this will be the first time we meet.

First impressions are tricky. I always have to hold back a bit. I have already told myself not to say things like "my god, you are real people", because they would not know if I am jokig or if I am just completely thick.

About 50% of everything I say is so not serious, but if you don't know me that can be really confusing. This sometimes gives people the wrong impression of me.

It normally takes a long time before they realise that I am actually very smart.

Now was I being serious there or joking? If you know me then you know.


  1. Det var så kul och träffas, ni var otroligt lätta och prata med och tack för att vi fick komma...jag är mer sugen än någonsin att flytta till Sverige just nu! Kram!

  2. Your a Sagittarius so that says it al


  3. Det var jätte kul att ni tog er tid att komma förbi! Ska bli spännande och se vad ni hittar på i framtiden :)
