Saturday 9 April 2011

I love chocolate

My rules when it comes to eating chocolate seem to mystify and annoy people so let me once and for all clarify.

It started about four years ago when I was working in England. Every afternoon I would go to the vending machine and have a chocholate bar. It was really cheap (40p I think?) and it gave you an energy boost.
The problem was, it's not really sustainable if you still want to fit in your jeans. And as I've explained before I am not one for shopping new ones! But I just couldn't stop myself with all that chocolate just sitting there calling me.

So I decided to stop eating chocolate during the weeks, and indulge in the weekends.
At first I couldn't wait for the weekend when I would have my beloved chocolate! But as the weeks and then months went by I missed a few weekends of eating it, and realised that I had beat my addiction.

I have now kept this up for four years. Not because I am trying to be healthy, I am allowed any other treats during the weeks, but because I hate being addicted to something.

Here's my rule:

No chocolate during the weeks. Only allowed on Friday evenings (after about 7pm) and in the weekend.
Also allowed on bank holidays. I am allowed to eat choholate cake, chocolate biscuits, chocolate ice cream and drink hot chocolate whenever I want. The rule only applies to plain chocolate or chocolate bars.

So you don't need to tell me how good I am, because I am not. And don't try to force me or say "go on, you work out so much it won't do you any harm". It's so not about that.
I know it doesn't make sense but really, why does it matter?

It works for me.
Bild lånad från:


  1. Åk till city gross i västerås! Du får dom största marabous för 10 kr!! :o plus stora chipspåsar för 10 kr också!!! :D

  2. Åh toppen!! Ska kolla in det! :D
