Sunday 3 April 2011

My Job

I thought I'd once and for all try to explain what I do for a living, and briefly present the company I work for.
Every time someone asks me what I do I say "I work in an office", because it's just too complicated to explain. And to be honest, people lose interest as soon as I start explaining.
That's what so great about my blog, I cam ramble on, and you can choose whether or not to read it.

The company I work for is called Hexagon Metrology Nordic AB. We deal with industrial metrology.
Metrolgy means science of measure. Basically we measure things, sell tools to measure things and teach measuring.
By industrial metrology I mean that we sell machines and tools for measuring mainly in production. For example, if your company is a sub-supplier and makes steering wheels for Volvo, it's fairly important that the steering wheels fit the cars. We provide and teach the service that will ensure this.

I work in the order department. I mainly work on the larger orders for machines, which is a complete measuring solution put together by a sales man developed for the specific need of the customer.

I will receive the order prepared and ready, and input it in our computer system. Then I will order all the parts needed for the kit, survey the delivery from the sub-suppliers, correspond with our service and training departments for training and installation of the machine. I will follow the order all the way through until it's installed and ready, when I invoice it.


I also do quotes on smaller orders for hand tools and accessories, invoicing for jobs performed by our different departments, as well as translating Swedish-English and English-Swedish.

That is it, in my words! I am sure there are much better and more technical words to describe it, but again, this is my blog.

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