Tuesday 19 April 2011

Wedding Stress

Thank god for helpful people! Lately the wedding plans have taken a back seat as we have been focusing on finishing the kitchen.

By the time we finish at nine or ten in the evenings, after having worked all day, the last thing that you want to do it start worrying about wedding details.
The problem when you work full time and then some is that you really don't have that much spare time, so every minute counts.

Our aim instead is to finish this kitchen as quickly as possible, and then focus all our spare time on making the final wedding preparation.

Luckily my parents have been extremely helpful. They have taken on a lot of the preparations, which we really appreciate! I don't know how we could have done it without them!

We still haven't booked the catering, and we have do to that this week. So we have now decided to schedule one thing per day this week, and spend an hour every night on the wedding.

Wish us luck!

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