Tuesday 5 April 2011

What an idiot!

James asked me to pick him up at his boss' house yesterday, since he was borrowing some tools from him.
So I went there, and his daughter Tilda opened the door. I asked if James was there, and she laughed and said no.
I was so sure that they were joking with me, and that James was hiding somewhere, so I barged in and started looking for him.

- I promise you, he's not here! My mum and dad went for a run, she tried to tell me.
- You're lying, I laughed and tried to ring James. His phone was switched off. So I started looking around trying to find him.
- I'll show you, she said, look their running shoes aren't here! She opened their wardrobe to show me.
- James!? James!? I shouted.

Then there was someone knocking in the door, and James stood outside.

- What are you doing? he said looking at me standing there with my shoes off, going through their wardrobe. "I was walking to meet you and you sped right past me!"

Ooops. Oh my god! He actually wasn't there!

Sorry Tilda for calling you a liar, in the future I will believe anything you say!

Tilda, picture borrowed from her blog

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