Wednesday 13 April 2011

When everything is going wrong

It's raining.
I got a chip in my windscreen yesterday which quickly developed into a crack.
Our car is leaking petrol.
We need to buy new summer tires and by law fit them on Friday the latest.
The alarm people phoned earlier as Cider has set off the alarm. They could see him sitting in the window.
That means they have to come out again and re-do the pet-setting that we paid extra for.
I tremble and feel sick when I use my asthma pump, but if I don't use it I can't breathe.

Let's hope tomorrow is sunny!


  1. Stackare...typiskt att allt ska hända samtidigt va?
    Men du, snart är det helg! Hoppas dagen blir bättre i morgon för dig.

  2. Tack! Ja det är alltid så tycker jag, och när man har så mycket annat på gång så känns alla motgångar som en extra stress. Men efter regn kommer solsken, every cloud has a silver lining osv... :)
