Monday 2 May 2011

Come on Body, Work with Me!

So last week because I had a bad back I only did two quite short runs. One on the Monday and then I rested until Saturday when I went for a run with Sofia.

Now my back has healed, so I was eager to step it up this week!

But it was like something tried to stop me from running on my lunch break today. I had everything against me, loads of excuses not to run:

* I had left my running socks at home
* I didn't bring a towel
* I had a headache
* It was raining
* I washed my hair last night

These are all reasons that I have used as excuses before, but not today! Instead of driving to the running track I ran there. It's about 1.5K, and then I did the 5K track before I ran back.

For me it works really well to split the run up. Instead of thinking "now I am going to run 8K", I think:

"Right, so now I am just warming up by running to the track. Great that's that done, now I have to concure this 1.5K long hill. Cool, that's done. Now it's downhill so I can rest for a while. Now just run up that last steep hill and I am done. Yey that's done, downhill for the last 1K and that's it. Yey I've done it, now I just have to run back."

I set up loads of little targets and break the run down even if I never stop or slow down. It works really well for me.

It went really well, however when I got back the lower part of my right calf was really hurting. It has been hurting on and off for a while but I have tried to ignore it. Today though it was worse than ever. Nooooooo! Come on now body, give me a break!

I am doing a run in Örebro on Thursday, called Vårruset. Not with Emmi, Elina and Alina as we first planned, but with a girl from the stable called Tess.

I might rest until then and go for a longer run on Friday instead, because I really don't want to get worse!

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