Saturday 14 May 2011

Vårruset Run 5K

On Thursday I did the 5K run called Vårruset. This is the fourth year I am doing it, I think it's a nice tradition.

The first year I did it in 28 minutes, as I had just started running and aimed to run it in under 30 minutes.
The second year I did it in 23 minutes. Then last year we were a group of girls who ran together, and we did it in 28 minutes again.

This year as Tess couldn't run and I'd be running by myself I decided to try and finish it in under 25 minutes.

Tess' mum and aunt picked us up, and we went off to Örebro. We got there quite late, as we parked the car so far away, so I had to run the last bit to the start, and missed the warm up. Ah well, running is warm up too!

Just as I got there we took off, and I ended up quite far back. There were so many people starting at once I literally had to walk the first bit, before it eased up and I could start running.
I had aimed to run at a 5min per kilometre pace,  but when we got to the first mark it had been 6.18 minutes. Shit! I had some catching up to do!

On the second kilometre I almost caught up, but it was hard work! Normally I speed up when it goes downhill, but here because of all the people I couldn't do that so I had to try and run faster uphill to get back the seconds I lost there.

On the last K I was knackered, and looking at my watch there was no way I was going to make it in under 25 minutes. Crap!! I tried to speed up and really ran for it the last bit that seemed never ending.

In the end I finished the race in 25 minutes and 9 seconds. 9 seconds!! So bloody annoying! Now I am contemplating doing another 5K run next month and give it another try.
I think I need to do more short distant training and run a bit faster, as we have mainly been running a bit further lately.

When I had finished I tried out climbing on a wall that they had set up. It was so much fun, and really hard work! I loved it!

 Borrowed from

Then we had a lovely picnic in the grass before we went home. Tess walked the run, but still finished it in 44 minutes. Her mum and aunt did it in 33 minutes.

Lovely day but annoying about the 9 seconds. Ah well! I will just have to try again!

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