Tuesday 12 July 2011

Day 2 - Live post

At this very moment I am sitting at a computer at our hotel in Johannesburg. James is reading the paper and we are relaxing a bit before heading off for dinner. Well heading to another part of the hotel for dinner that is, we don't want to chance going out for a meal here as we were told not to go out after dark, and it gets dark about 5.30 here! Not like Sweden at all!

Well after having waited for about 6 hours for our flight at Heathrow we had a very good flight to Johannesburg. We ate, slept for a bit and watched two films. Very different from flying Ryanair! However, due to delays we missed our connection flight from Johannesburg that was meant to take us to the Victoria Falls. What a pain! We went to the information desk and were told that because we were flying on with a different airline BA was not liable to sort a new connection flight out. We went to the airline that was taking us to the Victoria Falls and were told that there wasn't another flight until the morning after, which we would have to pay for. What a start, stranded in Johannesburg!

Well we phoned up our travel agents in Sweden, Sydafrikaresor, and they sorted us out in no time. Got a hotel for us, and re-did our schedule so that we will still get our two nights in the Victoria Falls, starting tomorrow.

It's colder than I thought it would be here in Johannesburg, brrr. My brain can't take in where we are in the world, everything is in English and they drive on the left side but it does not look anything like England, or Sweden! Everyone are so nice and helpful, smiling. The taxi driver that took us to the hotel told us that he had Swedish friends. When we stopped at a red light a man came up to the car and wanted to sell us DVD's. Everyone speaks perfect English but then they just switch and start speaking their own language. And there are so many nationalities here, that you don't come across very often in Sweden or England. Loads of Americans, and people I can't even place. I am confused, where are we?

Up early tomorrow to catch the flight on to Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe. I will post a live update again when I get a chance.

1 comment:

  1. Härligt! :) okej tack så mycket, det ska jag göra. Behöver verkligen nytt jobb, blir bara mer och mer trött på detta för varje dag som går. :/ Jag trivs jättebra i England, självklart har man hemlängtan, vissa dagar mer än andra, men i överlag trivs jag väldigt bra här. :) Okej tack så mycket, får försöka hitta några bra svenska filmer som vi kan glo på då, haha, sen får han försöka mer själv! :D kanske lär han sig snabbare om jag faktiskt pratar svenska med han istället för engelska också. :P Hoppas ni har det jättebra nu när ni är iväg!
