Thursday 14 July 2011

Day 4 - Live Post

Hello again! What a fantastic place we are at, and what an amazing day we have had!

Last night we had a wonderful 6 course meal, the food here is divine! This morning we got up early and went on an elephant safari! So cool, me and James on an elephant!

We rode around for about an hour, and when we got back we got to meet and stroke a real cheetah! How cool is that?

Cheetah, pic from google

Unfortunately I can't put any pictures on at the moment but as soon as I can there will be loads.

We met some South Africans and spoke to them for a bit as we had breakfast at the elphant camp. They had been to Kruger Park a couple of weeks ago, and described it as "epic!!". Then we went back to the hotel. Very cool experience meeting the elephants, we even got to feed them!

It was a bit chilly this morning, but in the afternoon it was really hot again. Jacket in the morning, bikini in the afternoon, it's hard to know how to dress here!!

In the afternoon we went to the Victoria Falls! Wow! I can't even describe it, google it and have a look yourselves.

Vic Falls, pic from google

It was wierd actually standing there for real, looking out over the fall, getting soaked ("sprayed", yeah right!) in water. Funny enough we ran in to the same South Africans that we had spoken to during the elephant safari, what are the odds?

Walking back to the hotel we say some sort of dear, and loads of monkeys! James got some brilliant pictures of them, I will post them as soon as I get a chance.

When we got back to the hotel we got changed and went down for some lunch, and the same South Africans where sitting next to us again! They don't even stay at this hotel but came over for afternoon tea. How funny! Last thing we said to them was "I am sure we will see you again!", and somehow I have a feeling we will, my life is full of wierd circumstances. Oh, guess what we had for lunch - crocodile! Haha!

Tomorrow we are going back to Johannesburg, and then we are driving to the Kruger Park! It's a long drive so we won't get there until late, we will see when I get a chance to do a live post again!

Bye for now!!

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