Friday 23 November 2007


I read a book in Tescos yesterday (I know you are not supposed to read book in the store, but I did buy one as well!) about what you are supposed to do at different ages. It said at age 21 you become a grown up - finish school etc. At 22 you are supposed to see the world. Well, I am turning 22 in about 2 weeks time, and the last thing I feel like doing is travelling. I guess in a sense I have been travelling since I was 18, so I have probably had enough for a while. All I want to do right now is go home to Sweden and be with my friends and family. I am not looking forward to being apart from James though, so it makes it weirdly bittersweet to leave. Luckily he'll come and join me in a couple of week’s time, and then I'll be back in England for Christmas and New Year. I would like to go to Australia one day, to see Deborah who moved back there last summer. We met when we both first came over to England in Sep -04, and she was a real lifesaver when I was lonely or homesick! We had so much fun, and I miss her immensely! It is not the same here without her, so Australia is definitely a dream location for a holiday.
The sun and beaches don’t look too bad either, and Debs and her husband have a gorgeous house in Sydney! That will be something to start saving for after house buying etc, definitely!! I would also like to go to America. I always said I would go as soon as I had turned 21, and James’s parents have a lovely house in Florida. I want to swim with dolphins.
But the holiday plans for the New Year is nothing extravagant; we would like to go either to Denmark or Finland. We went to Norway last year, which was brilliant! We hired a car and drove from Oslo to Bergen and then back, stopping off in some lovely little towns and staying in cabins at camping places. It turned out just as expensive as a week’s sunshine holiday, but it was something different and we decided to “do” all the Nordic countries.

Checked my bank account today and saw that my gym has taken £64 from me at the beginning of the month, even though I cancelled it a couple of months back! I phoned them up but the lady that deals with it was off sick, so I'll have to go in there tomorrow. Why can't anything just be easy?

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