Thursday, 17 February 2011


We went to another trial session at the gym (our third, we could keep doing this!).

We actually went there to sign up, but we need more time to decide whether to go for a six months sign-up or a year. If you only have six months you'll want to make the most of it, a year feels a bit overwhelming to be honest.

The gym anyhow is Actic Gym in Arboga, about a 10 minute drive from us. We had a good workout and my body feels very heavy now.

James who has not been running at all since his last marathon 2009 did 5K in 23 minutes as a warm up without even blinking.
I was well impressed, 23 minutes is a brilliant time. It would have killed me and I run 3 times a week.

My runner

1 comment:

  1. That is not fair! I made an experiment and run, well 50 meters, and it nearly killed me :(
