Thursday 24 February 2011

Lunch date

I went to see Madéleine for lunch today. It's always nice to do something on your lunch break rather than just sitting in the office.

I go running Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and the other two days I normally find something else to do. Like go for a walk or go and see Madde or "Mad" as I now call her as I put that on my phone by mistake.

We talked about our upcoming weddings and she measured my leg for the garter she is making. It is being made from a fabric hand-made by her great grandmother, plus she has bought little golden bows to make it go with the colour scheme. What a personal present!!

 She also gave me another pair of trousers.

- They might be too small as well, I said.
- No don't worry, she said. I wore these when I was pregnant.

My new trousers

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