Wednesday 16 February 2011

Shoe Shopping

As I am not a shoe person at all Emmi and Elina came shoe shopping with me.

Emmi & Elina

When I got there they were already in the first shoe shop, and as I walked in Emmi skipped towards me.

- We have found your shoes, they said.

And there they were - glittery, golden, OTT shoes. Not at all what I had in mind. I had pictured cream coloured, comforable, not too high shoes that I could wear the whole day without getting achy feet. But they were adamant so I tried them on.

And oh my god. I loved them! Didn't want to take them off, just like when I tried my dress on.

Ignore the socks and trousers!

But at the same time I had the feeling that I couldn't wear them for my wedding, they were not proper grown up wedding shoes. So we kept looking around.

- How about these ones, I pointed out cream coloured grown up shoes.

- No! came the answer.

We went for a coffee

So in the end we went back to the first shop, to the glittery golden shoes. As they were the last pair we decided to buy them, take them with us to Västerås next weekend to try them on with the dress, and if they didn't look right take them back.

But I will never take them back.

I got them home and I am hooked. It's our wedding day and I can wear what I like, traditional or not.

They are the shoes.

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