Friday 4 March 2011

My Body

Here's a few issues I am having with my body at the moment -

* My legs keep giving in.
I will walk along as normal, get up from my chair to go to the printer or something, and all of a sudden I am kneeling. Very strange. Yesterday this happened twice at work and the second time I couldn't even get up at first, but had to push my self up with my hands.

* My feet hurt.
A couple of weeks ago Corvette stepped on my toe and it's been hurting since.
Then the other day I scratched the sole of my foot on a nail.
And yesterday I cut my toe on the sofa somehow and it bled lots. Because we didn't have any plasters I had to wrap loo-roll around it and tie it on with a hair band.

Bascially, I am falling apart.


  1. Hej! Jag hittade din blogg genom en annan London-bo. Men läste jag nåt om Kungsör?? Haha! Jag kommer också från KAK :)

  2. Näe!? Vad konstigt! Var i KAK?
    Jag bor i Kungsör, är från Hallstahammar från början och bodde i England några år där emellan ;)Men du bor i USA? Scrollade igenom din blogg lite snabbt :)

  3. Take care of your body!You have to rest a little more. Or do you have to run three times a week for example? /An anxious mum

  4. Jag kände detsamma så den här veckan vilade jag faktiskt i måndags :) Det har ju blivit 4 gånger i veckan när jag har sprungit med Alina men den här veckan blir det bara 2. :)

