Saturday 7 May 2011

A Memory for Life has been born

Last night Josephine all of a sudden started meowing, and looking a bit unsettled. We phoned up Twiggie and decided that I should come and get her and her fiancé Sofia.

Just when I got there after a 45 minute drive James phoned me up to tell me that Josephine had calmed down and was now running around and playing with Cider. So we played for time, I had some tea at Twiggie's and waited to see what would happen. We were talking about cat's names, and Twiggie said she contemplated having a board game's theme on the names. We were discussing names like Domino, Yatzy, Mahjong and Memory.

After about 2 hours without anything to report from home we decided that I should go home and then come back to pick them up in the morning if anything happened. As I started driving home, James phoned and told me that all of a sudden it looked as if Josephine was pushing! I quickly turned the car around and went to Twiggie and Sofia up, at this point he phoned me again.

- The first kitten is born! he said shakily. Oh my god!

We floored it back to Kungsör, and when we walked in we found a cold but very much alive little kitten. Josephine had not been sure of what to make of it at first, and James had to keep it warm by holding it and massaging it. Twiggie and James sat with them and managed to get the kitten feeding, and after that mother and daughter bonded and Josephine started licking her baby.

Me and Sofia were talking about the names.
- She looks like a Memory, I said.
- Yes that suits her, she said.
- A Memory for Life. 

And so, she was named. My Twigg's Memory for Life-Van.

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