Thursday 19 May 2011

Running in the Rain

On Monday we did a quick 5K run in the forest. Actually I ran it faster than I did the Vårruset, in about 24 minutes - how annoying, why couldn't I do that the other day?

But I think the reason it was easier was that it was raining = no pollen in the air. It was drizzling when we started, and in the end it was chucking down.

I love running in the rain, it makes it so much easier to breathe, and you don't get that hot. Plus you don't need to take a shower afterwards, just dry off and you're done.

(That last bit was a joke!)

Yesterday we did hill training and on Friday we are doing the 10K track again. Last time we did it in 56 minutes, 2 minutes better than the time before. Go go go!

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