Monday 13 June 2011

Bed Time Story

The other night I couldn't sleep. It was too light and there were so many things going around my head, I just couldn't relax. So I decided to tell myself a story. Here it goes:

There were three men who were out on a boat in the middle of the ocean. They were on their way to try find a deserted island that they were told bore loads of richness. They had been out on the ocean for months, and worked all day long catching fish. One day one of the men discovered a huge eagle in the sky. The boat was far far away from land. How could the eagle have flown so far without resting?
Every day they would see the large eagle circling above them. One night one of the fishermen got up, and saw a dark shadow in the crow's nest high up in the mast.

It was the eagle, waking up from his slumber and looking back at the man with intense yellow eyes. The man hurried inside, worried that the eagle would attack him. The eagle had been staying in the basket every night, and spent the days catching fish, just like the three men.
Then one night there was a horrible storm. The three men could barely keep the boat afloat, and they were relieved when the morning came and the storm eased.
When they went out on deck they were greeted by the eagle sitting there looking at them, one of his wing broken! The men were frightened by the large bird with his hooked beak, and they decided they would have to kill him. One of the men went to get a big knife, but when he came back his friend called to him from the top of the mast.

He had climbed up there to find out what had happened with the eagle's wing, and surprised he held up three large eggs to show them to his friends. One of the eggs had a crack in it, and he could hear something pecking on the inside, trying to make its way out.

The men decided to let the eagle, who turned out to be a she, live. They spent the next few days feeding her with fish, and they became more and more accustomed to her being there.

At this point I actually fell asleep, so I don't know how it ends. But I would guess that the babies are born, all the eagles grow really tame and maybe they save the men somehow, from evil pirates or if they got lost in the fog or something... Then the men arrive at the island they were going to, and bring the eagles with them.
Then they all live there happily ever after.

(Min pappa berättade en liknande historia för mig när jag var liten. Han hittade på en saga när jag frågade varför det heter "örngott". (Varför det heter örngott kan ni läsa här!))

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