Saturday 2 July 2011

It's Like Raaiiiiaaain On Your Wedding Day

When we were at the hair dressers it started raining, loads. We walked quickly back to Annika's when we were finished, trying not to let the rain ruin our newly done hair.

Christin and Jens came with us, and we had some tea and sandwiches before Christin finished the last bit of my make up, then we got changed. Wow how amazing to put everything together, hair, make up and dress. It looked lovely! I kept looking out, and it kept raining. Come on!

Then Börje came and picked us up, and when we were driving (slowly as we were early) towards the church the rain stopped. Börje said I must be nervous as he had never known me to be so quiet! I was ok actually, you are so focused on the next step that you don't have time to be nervous. But when we had to stop and sit in the car for a bit and wait as we were early I did feel the butterflies in my belly (eww butterflies, make that little humming birds!).

Then it started raining again (come oooon!) and by the time we got to church it was pouring down. Luckily I had bought a nice white umbrella, and we quickly made our was from the car into the church...

Under my umbrella

I will take you through the rest of the day in some other post scheduled in intervals in the coming few days.

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