Friday 5 August 2011

St Lucia

We spent five days of our honeymoon in a town called St Lucia, a town on the South African coast. The first thing we were told when arriving at the hotel was that when walking along the high street at night we needed to look out for hippos. If we saw one we needed to stand really still and be quiet, as they are the animal who kills most people in South Africa. Oh dear!

One of the hippos we saw, they are huge!

The first night we went out for a meal James had hiccups, and I kept laughing and telling him to stop it and be quiet as I was worried about the hippos finding us.

 Pizza dinner, they had way too much garlic on it!

The days we spent taking walks on the beach, and sitting by the pool. I also pampered myself a bit, having a massage at the spa.

Me at the beach in St Lucia

The evenings we spent going out for meals and playing pool in the local pub. We were the only non-locals there, and it was really nice seeing a bit of the "real" South Africa, away from all other tourists.¨
James tried to teach me to play pool

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