Saturday 6 August 2011

Kleine Zalze

In Stellenbosch we stayed in a vineyard called Kleine Zalze. It was absolutely beautiful and quite posh.

The view from our balcony

We were in our element going on wine tastings during the days, and spending the evenings relaxing in front of the open fire and eating out.

James' birthday we spent on a wine tasting tour, which took us to some amazing places. In every place you would get 3-5 different wines. A member of staff would tell you a bit about the wines and about the vineyard, whilst you tried your way through them.  

James got sung to in Xhosa, Nelson Mandela's native language, and one of the girls tried to teach us Afrikaans, which originates from Dutch and sound surprisingly similar to Swedish. Oh and "Thank you" in Afrkiaans sounds like "buy a donkey", which really amused us.

 James at Peter Falke vineyard
On his birthday
A couple of days after we got back James wanted to open one of the complimentary bottles of Kleine Zalze's wine that we had brought back with us.

- Nooo, we have to keep it for a special occasion! I said, taking the bottle away from him. "Have some of the other wine we have in the fridge, that we have bought here in Sweden."
- Ok, but that is really the same thing, South African Chenin Blanc. James said, getting the other bottle out.
- No it's not the same, that bottle hasn't travelled all the way from South Africa!
- Yes actually it has.
- Well I guess it has, but not in my suit case. And it isn't from the actual vineyard that we stayed at!

A little while later James walked in to me with the wine bottle bought in Sweden, smug.

- Not to disappoint you, but look where this is made.

"Kleine Zalze, South Africa"


Complimentary wine

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