Monday, 5 September 2011

Saturday - Elina 25!

I haven't been able to say anything but for the past few weeks we have been planning a surprise for Elina who turned 25 in the weekend. We had decided to take her to Västerås for some shopping and a make up course, and then back to Eskilstuna for a surprise Disney party.
How perfect that she then herself suggested a girly day in Västerås! We played along and all the thought she was doing was going in for some shopping. He-he.

Pretty Elina had her make up done
So we gave her some money for shopping, then took her to have her make up done followed by lunch. Then we put a big pink bucket on her head and asked her to get in the car.

Elina in her pink bubble!
 We drove her back to Eskilstuna and to her mum's house, where everything was set up for a Disney party. Elina was given a green Tinkerbell outfit that went with her green make up, she looked like a real fairy!

Then we put the bucket back on, and took her outside to meet this gang:

What a sight!!
Then we had a great Disney party with Disney music, decorations, Finnish booze and lots of laughs. Here are some pictures:

Elina with her pink bucket
I was a crazy witch
Scary pirates, Emmi and Micky


  1. ni är så himla underbara!!! tack så jättemycket för allt. kul att jag föreslog västerås, det betydde ju att ni planerat precis det jag ville göra!! <3

  2. HAHA men gud, jag såg häromdagen att min kusin Monika (har inte träffat henne på lääänge dock) taggats i ett album med utklädda bilder, hon är ju med här i prickig klänning!! hahaha vilken liten värld! :P

  3. Finns väl ingen tvekan? Västerååååååås!
