Tuesday 20 November 2007

Party Party

I had a big fall out with England this morning, it took me over an hour to get to work! Stupid bloody traffic! I tried a different route to try and avoid the worst bit of it, but ended up being 30 mins late for work. That is something I will NOT miss with England! I went to a birthday party in the weekend, a lady in the office turned 50 and she invited us all. It was a really good night out, the highlight was when me and Helen went to the cash machine, and saw a fox crossing the road. I bent down to take a picture of him, and he came up to me! Wow, the wildlife in Weybridge town centre is amazing!! Foxy
Dancing Queens
It was a really good night out I must say, alot of chatting and dancing! James picked me up bless him. :D
Great action shot Dave!! The girl that is taking over my job started on Monday and is training all week so when I leave she just jumps straight in, so there is three of us in the department at the moment. Can't believe that 2 weeks from now I will be working in Sweden!! Aaahhh!! :D

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