Thursday 10 March 2011

So it's confirmed, I am falling apart

I went for a health check through work yesterday. Everything looked great but..

When doing the fitness test she notices that I struggled for breath quite quickly. She said with the amount of exercise I do and my young age I should be at a much higher fitness level than I am. Off course not good news, but that explains this and this.

She asked me if I suffer from got asthma and I don't.
Then she said maybe it could be an allergy. As I am stubbornly ignoring my allergy for any animals with fur (horses, cats), the thought it it affecting my breathing hasn't even crossed my mind.

She though I should see a doctor for my lungs, my weak knees that keep giving in and for the fact that my hands shake. Bloody hell I though I was healthy!

But I will call them about having my lungs tested (yes mum I am calling them!).
Hopefully that might mean that I can finally start progressing in my excersising, without having to struggle through each session.

Fighting for fitness!

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